Kathmandu university civil engineering club

Welcome To KUCEC

Kathmandu University Civil Engineering Club is a non profit club founded by civil engineering students in 2010.

Study Resources

Activities Conducted By KUCEC

KUCEC is a highly active and dynamic club that conducts a wide range of activities and events to engage and inspire its members. The club’s activities are designed to provide hands-on learning experiences, as well as opportunities to network and collaborate with industry professionals.All of these activities are planned and executed by the active participation and hard work of club members. The club encourages all members to take an active role in organizing and participating in these events, and provides them with the necessary support and resources to do so.

Sankalpa is a compilation of events ,Civil Engineering Expo, Magazine Launch, Talk Program and many more being organized by Kathmandu University Civil Engineering Club. Sankalpa event provides an opportunity for students to gain practical experience, showcase their skills and talents, and interact with industry professionals. It also helps to bridge the gap between academics and industry and provide a platform for students to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.
KUCEC conducts different workshops and training programs for Cad and 3d modeling, Sketchup, and other civil related softwares. These workshops and training programs are led by experienced professionals and experts in the field, and are designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the software and techniques used in Civil Engineering. Additionally, the club also offers workshops and training on proposal writing and other technical writings
KUCEC conducts various sports tournaments, including the Nepal Civil Football Cup and the Nepal Civil Basketball Cup, as well as other indoor and outdoor sports. These tournaments provide an opportunity for participants to showcase their skills and compete at a high level.
KUCEC organizes talkshows on various topics, where experts in the field give presentations and provide insights on the current burning scenarios. These talkshows provide an opportunity for participants to learn and gain knowledge from experienced professionals in the field, and stay updated on the most pressing and relevant issues in the industry.

Join KUCEC Club

A club made by the civil engineering students for the
civil engineering students

Questions and answers


What is the purpose of the club?

The club aims to bring together civil engineering students, to provide a platform for them to share their interests and knowledge, and to discuss and learn about current trends, challenges, and developments in the industry.


Who can join the club?

The club is open to all students majoring in Civil Engineering from Kathmandu University.


What kind of activities does the club organize?

The club conducts workshops, training programs, sports tournaments, talkshows and other activities that are beneficial for civil engineering students.


Is there a membership fee to join the club?

The club has a small membership fee to cover expenses related to club activities.

Message from our president

We are a group of students who are passionate about the field of civil engineering and are dedicated to promoting the study and advancement of this discipline.
We would like to invite you to join our club and become an active member. As a member, you will have the opportunity to participate in various activities such as guest lectures, field trips, and community service projects. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to network with professionals in the field and gain valuable experience that will help you in your future career.

Prabin Shah
Club President

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